What is it about our subconscious when it comes to art form?
A single movement of our hand.. a single line of pencil or pen..
Before you know all those single lines, all the doodles, all the scribbles we aimlessly sit and find ourselves doing slowely emerge into something recognisable.. the repeated line or shape eventualy meet either through width or shade and start to take shape...
a form emerges.. and from the depth of our concious our hand carries on to what is buried deep down .. to a image that symbolises all we have been carrying ..our thoughts or inner vision.
We start then adding in detail that is concious... as I did here always coming back to my leaf form..
And what emerged for me from my single line of pencil together with the help of my subconcious was this ... a image that symbolises a forest from my path untravelled...
Something very different from the usual crafts I do yes, but never the less all part of the creative journey.